Piconbello New GFM Service Structure

2 min readApr 6, 2022


Dear GFM delegators that delegate to Piconbello,

When we started providing node solutions to our delegators, we decided to keep 0% fee for GFMs as well, to provide them sufficient time to provide node service if they are not able to meet the deadline. The 0% fee for GFMs was planned to last for 3 months, but we extended it to nearly a year to provide a better experience. Overall, until epoch 22, which corresponds to nearly a year, we have distributed 11.2% on average, which is an exact match to the expected APY for the 22 epoch time frame. Now, it is time to move to a fee structure for GFMs to provide better engagement with the community as a whole. Even with the new structure of fees shared below, Piconbello will still continue to offer one of the lowest fees overall across the ecosystem for GFMs. The structure for the fees of GFMs are provided below, which will be active with the end of epoch 25, including the distribution of epoch 25:

Overall, every GFM that is actively participating in terms of contribution to the Mina ecosystem is still subject to 0% for their delegation to us.
According to the activity, such as providing community anything or transacting and such, this fee will either stay at 2% or increase linearly per month.
For GFMs that have not been active for at least 3 months, the fee will start from 2% and will increase by 1% per month.
If a GFM shows any activity, in terms of the transaction, then the progress will be reset and GFM will still be subject to a 2% fee, like the start.
If a GFM starts to contribute to the community in any way, then GFM will be flagged as active and will be subject to a 0% fee, like usual.

We believe this way of approach is a great solution to provide some income for us that we need to have to run our operations and also a great way to push activeness for GFMs.

In order to track how much fee you are subject to as GFM, feel free to take a look at the spreadsheet provided below, which will be updated regularly upon each epoch:


