Tipicon for Twitter Testnet Quickstart Guide

4 min readJan 22, 2021

Hello ICONist, this guide will go through testing of Tipicon for Twitter, our latest release on our pipeline. We have a working prototype on Twitter that works kind of like an extension of our Tipicon on Telegram. We value our community’s opinions highly, hence we kindly request you to experiment with Tipicon for Twitter and give us feedback on our design, as well as report bugs if you encounter any. Please consider joining our Telegram group for testing if you are interested in this product. Also, please note that this project is currently under development, hence changes will occur since we value your feedback. We will announce the changes from our testing group on Telegram, hence it is important for you to join. Now, let’s go step by step about how to utilize Tipicon for Twitter.

  1. Our current design consists of linking your Tipicon Telegram account with Twitter. This is handled by our own database, hence none of your credentials are given to Twitter about your Telegram. This is simply a procedure we carry to ensure your wallet is linked to both accounts. Check @icontest_bot and you should see a new button appear on the “Wallet” section, called “Link”. If you do not see this button, please check which bot you are currently using. It should be “Iconbot”, our testnet bot, not “Tipicon”, which is for mainnet.

2. Clicking on the “Link” button should give you the following message.

3. Clicking on the Twitter link should directly forward you to Twitter’s DM interface, if you have your Twitter open on the device you are using. If you are not logged in, please log in and allow the page to forward you to the DM section. DM section should look like below.

4. Sending the message should give you the following confirmation message.

5. Now, your Telegram and Twitter Tipicon accounts should be linked. Let’s go through the commands which you can utilize on Twitter. “Tip” command is the standard Twitter version of our Telegram tip. You can tip users via reply/direct tweet. “Mon” command stands for monetization, which is used in order to create a kind of airdrop, in which some amount of the users that retweeted the “mon” tweet will equally share the assets. “Com” is similar to “mon”, only difference is “com” will share among retweeters and commenters, where “mon” only distributes to retweeters. Check the format and examples below.

  • From Direct Message section
  • /balance -> returns wallet balance for ICX and TAP
  • /link {token} -> to link Twitter to Telegram for Tipicon by utilizing token from Telegram Tipicon

/link abcdefg12345678910127821

  • /linktelegram -> To link Telegram with Twitter
  • /address -> Returns wallet’s address
  • /help -> gives an overview of the commands that can be used
  • /send {amount of asset in numbers} {asset ticker} {wallet address}

/send 10 icx hxfa6714e4ec784ae2176c416c46dc2c98b6ec9074

/send 100 tap hxfa6714e4ec784ae2176c416c46dc2c98b6ec9074

  • From regular tweet
  • @tipiconbot tip @{receiverHandle} {amount of asset in numbers} {asset ticker}

@tipiconbot tip @piconbello 1 icx

@tipiconbot tip @piconbello 10 tap

  • @tipiconbot mon {amount of asset in numbers} {asset ticker} {user count in numbers} {hashtag(optional)}

@tipiconbot mon 100 icx 50

@tipiconbot mon 1000 tap 40 #ICX

  • @tipiconbot com {amount of asset in numbers} {asset ticker} {user count in numbers} {hashtag(optional)}

@tipiconbot com 200 icx 30

@tipiconbot com 10000 tap 20

  • Optional hashtag for mon and com means only tweets that include your desired hashtag will counted for the reward.

We hope this guide was clear for you and hope you will have a great time testing our newest product. Please contact us from our channels, especially the Testing group, if you encounter any bugs or you want to give us feedback. Remember to stay safe and healthy during pandemic conditions and take care.

