Tipicon Iconbet Dapp Integration Quick Start Guide

4 min readJun 8, 2020

Dear ICONists, we are happy to announce that we have completed our Iconbet integration with Tipicon and we are ready to release it to the mainnet. We will go through how you can utilize Tipicon to play games on Iconbet for this guide. This guide will go through as if you have never started using Tipicon.

1.Start a private conversation with Tipicon, from here: https://t.me/tipiconbot

2.To start the bot, press the Start button.

3. After Tipicon presents you with some text, four buttons should appear.

4. Press the Wallet option.

5. Press the address button to see your current account’s public address and receiving address.

6. Copy the address part from this message. This is your public address which needs to be utilized to send funds. You can use any wallet you desire, ICONex, MyICONWallet and such to send balance to this address. You can also use our private key importing feature to import your private key and utilize your wallet directly from Tipicon.

7. As an example for sending funds, we will use ICONex wallet, however feel free to use any of the alternatives. Paste the copied address to the receiving address on ICONex interface and send the desired amount to that wallet by clicking the transfer button at the bottom.

8. After your transaction is successful, you should see your increased balance from Tipicon/from the tracker by clicking on the address in the Address interface of the Tipicon.

9. After having some balance, you are ready to play IconBet games from Tipicon. Click on the Apps button from the menu.

10. Click on the Iconbet button.

11. Currently, DAOlette and DAOblackjack are available to play on Tipicon from Iconbet games. We will go in order for this guide and start with DAOlette. Press on DAOlette button to play DAOlette.

12. You can adjust your betting amount by clicking the Change Amount button/using ½, Min, Max and 2X buttons. To make your selections, you need to press your desired selection, Red/Black/Even/Odd or any number(s). Press on the Place Bet button to play your selection with the desired bet amount. More details are provided on the Help section in Tipicon’s Iconbet section.

13. Click on DAOblackjack to play DAOblackjack from the previous menu.

14. DAOblackjack’s betting works by putting chips as bets. Click on your desired chip(1,5,10 and 25) and click on main bet/side bet(s) to put your bets as chips. Then, press the Bet and Draw button to play.

This guide goes through the steps you need to take in order to play Iconbet games from Tipicon. If you have any questions/suggestions regarding the Tipicon or Iconbet integration, feel free to contact us from our support group here: https://t.me/Tipiconsupport

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